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At Yehwang we offer a lot of jewelry in different colors and materials. We often receive questions from our customers about these specific materials: What’s the difference between stainless steel and gold plated jewelry? Do you have tips on how to keep your jewelry beautiful? How is your beaded jewelry made? Here’s the answer!

Stainless steel

Stainless steel is a strong and highly durable material, consisting of chromium. This kind of metal protects it against rust. Do you still find some rust on your stainless steel jewelry? No worries, you can wipe it off easily to make your jewelry look like new.

Stainless steel however, can only be cut out. Therefore, the shapes are not round and the jewelry is a bit more coarser looking.

Gold plated

Gold plated jewelry on the other hand can be cut out and can include round shapes. This is the main reason that customers choose gold plated over stainless steel.

Gold plated jewelry is made of copper with a thin layer of gold or white gold on top to give these items a real jewelry look.

The advantage is that plated pieces are usually cheaper than stainless steel or pieces that are entirely made of gold. So, if money is an important consideration, you might want to go with gold plated jewelry. Our gold plated jewelry is available in gold, silver, rose gold and black color.

The disadvantage is that you have to be careful; the plated layer can wear out after a while, exposing the material underneath.

Plating – how it is done

Both gold plated and stainless steel jewelry have a thin plated layer to add its color. This metal layer is applied by a process called “vacuum plating”: The coating is heated until it evaporates in the vacuum room. The lack of pressure drives the boiling point of the metal downwards and allows the metal vapor to condense and form a layer over the jewelry.

Tips to keep your jewelry beautiful

If you prefer your jewelry subtle, affordable, thin and in round shapes, gold plated is a good choice for you! However, do mind that you treat your jewelry well to keep its original condition! Our stainless steel is highly resistant of scratches and rust and can handle way more than gold plated, but we advise to follow the tips below for all materials, to get the best out of them:

- Avoid contact with chemical products, perfumes, hairspray or other cosmetic products

- Taking a shower, going for a swim or going to the gym? Remove your jewelryfirst

- Take them off before sleeping

- To prevent oxidation; store your jewelry separately

- Store your jewelry in a dry spot (for example, an airtight jewelry box)

Stones and beads

Some of our jewelry pieces also contain stone beads or crystal beads. The stone beads on jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets are always laced by hand to assure good quality and precise work.

Most of our stones are made out of natural stones, this means the stones are firm and more solid than artificial stones. We also have glass stones, which are shaped out of crystal glass. Crystal glass stones are more precisely cut for a better look.

I hope that I have informed you enough about our product materials. Use this information to advise and recommend your customers on their jewelry choices.

Do you still have burning questions? Let us know, we would love to help you!

Mail: helpdesk@yehwang.com

Phone number: +31 318 668 171

By Lotte de Lange, Sales Agent at Yehwang

Copywriter: Eva Aarntzen